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Type of status of residence

Naturalization application is a procedure for losing foreign nationality and acquiring Japanese nationality.
According to Article 4, Paragraph 1 of the Nationality Law, "Foreigners can acquire Japanese nationality by naturalization." Permanent residence remains a foreigner even after obtaining a permit, while naturalization is completely different in that it becomes completely Japanese by losing foreign nationality and acquiring new Japanese nationality. The following requirements must be met for naturalization.
☑︎ Continue to have an address in Japan for at least 5 years (address requirement)
☑︎ Being 20 years old or older and having the ability according to the law of the home country (age requirement)
☑︎ Good behavior (requirements for behavior)
☑︎ Being able to make a living from the assets or skills of your spouse or other relatives who make a living
(Income requirement)
☑︎ Do not have nationality or should lose that nationality by acquiring Japanese nationality
☑︎ in the subsequent date of enforcement the Japanese Constitution, the overthrow by force of the government that was established in the Constitution or under the Japanese Te companies,
Or to form or to claim, attempt, or claim political parties or other groups.
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However, naturalization is not permitted to anyone if the period of stay in Japan meets the requirements. It meets certain conditions and requires a minimum level of Japanese proficiency to live in Japan (level of lower grades of elementary school and above). In addition, there is a wide range of subjects to be examined, such as whether you live in compliance with Japanese law and whether you are familiar with your area or workplace.
The naturalization application procedure is different from the normal visa procedure, and the application is submitted to the Legal Affairs Bureau that has jurisdiction over the applicant's residence. In this procedure, the person must go to the application and no one else can act on his / her behalf.
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Non-face-to-face document application is possible
Due to the effects of the new coronavirus infection, even those who are working from home or refraining from going out can consult at home if they have a smartphone, computer, or internet environment. If you wish, please apply from the inquiry form. you can apply through phone too.

Inquiries by phone
Reception hours Weekdays 9: 00-18: 00 Regular holidays Saturdays (2nd and 4th), Sundays and public holidays

Inquiries from the Web