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Type of status of residence

A business management visa is a status of residence that a foreigner obtains when he / she establishes a company in Japan and manages a business, manages a business, or invests in the business to manage the business. ..
The status of residence of "Business / Management" was established by amending the status of residence of (former) "Investment / Management" by the revision of the law in 2014. (Old) "Investment / Management" was based on the assumption that foreigners are investing in Japan, but foreigners can be engaged in the management / management of companies with foreign capital. , "Business / Management" was established as a new status of residence.
Activities to start and manage a business in Japan or engage in management of the business
Activities to participate in a business that is already in operation in Japan, manage it, or engage in management of that business
Activities to manage or manage the business on behalf of those who manage the business in Japan, including corporations
As described above, the person who can obtain a business management visa is a person who substantially participates in the management and management of the business, specifically, the president, directors, corporate auditors, department managers, factory managers, branch managers, etc. To do.
Get a business visa
In order to obtain a business management visa, it is important to actually set up a company, hire employees, and be ready to start a business immediately before applying. At this time, if the business is legally conducted in Japan, there are no restrictions on the industries such as trade, travel, restaurants, and automobile sales, but the stability and continuity of the business is extremely important.
In addition to the provisions of the Companies Act, various provisions of the Immigration Control Act are also involved in establishing a company, so if you establish a company yourself with insufficient knowledge, you may not be able to obtain a business management visa later. It is often seen.
If you want to set up a store and do business, you will need to make a lease contract for the store, interior work, etc., and you will need to make a large investment to apply for a business management visa. However, if the business management visa is denied as a result of the application, you will not be able to run the business and you will have to dispose of the company or store you prepared. Considering the relationship of trust with business partners and financial loss, it is no exaggeration to say that obtaining a business management visa cannot be tolerated.
Therefore, we recommend that you consult with an experienced specialist before starting the procedure for obtaining a business management visa.
Business Management Visa Examination Criteria
If the applicant starts trading or other business in Japan and applies for a business management visa, he / she must meet all of the following conditions.
☑︎ There must be a place of business in Japan to run the business. However, if the business has not started,
The facility to be used as a business establishment for running the business is secured in Japan.
☑︎ The scale of the business pertaining to the application corresponds to any of the following.
B) Two or more full-time employees residing in Japan other than those engaged in the management or management (with the status of residence in the upper column of Appendix 1 of the Act)
Excludes those who are resident. ) Must be engaged and operated.
B) The amount of capital or the total amount of investment is 5 million yen or more.
C) B) It must be recognized as having a scale equivalent to that of the mouth.
☑︎ If the applicant intends to engage in business management, he / she has more than 3 years of experience in business management or management (at graduate school).
(Including the period of majoring in business or management), and the information received when a Japanese person is engaged
Receive a reward equal to or greater than the reward.
Once you have obtained a status of residence, in principle you will not be able to carry out any activities other than that status of residence.
Please contact Shiroyama Legal Office for consultation regarding status of residence (visa).
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Non-face-to-face document application is possible
Due to the effects of the new coronavirus infection, even those who are working from home or refraining from going out can consult at home if they have a smartphone, computer, or internet environment. If you wish, please apply from the inquiry form. you can apply through phone too.

Inquiries by phone
Reception hours Weekdays 9: 00-18: 00 Regular holidays Saturdays (2nd and 4th), Sundays and public holidays

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