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Type of status of residence

Status of residence of international students studying in Japan
Foreigners who are educated in Japan can obtain the status of residence of "College Student" if they belong to any of the following educational institutions.
Procedure for applying for issuance of "Certificate of Eligibility"
In order to study at a Japanese university, you must obtain a visa.
There are two ways to do this:
(1) A foreigner who intends to enter Japan applies for a visa directly to a Japanese diplomatic mission (embassy or consulate general) overseas.
(2) The staff of the educational institution scheduled to enter the school applies for the issuance of a "Certificate of Eligibility" at the regional immigration bureau, etc. that has jurisdiction over the location. Status of residence
Once the certificate is issued, the foreigner who intends to enter Japan will apply for a visa to a Japanese diplomatic mission abroad (embassy or consulate general).
The "Certificate of Eligibility" is a proof that the conditions for entry set forth in Article 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2 of the Immigration Control Act are met. Visa issuance procedures at overseas diplomatic missions (embassies and consulates) and immigration at airports will be smoother.
The documents required to apply for the Certificate of Eligibility are explained on the Immigration Bureau's website, but the required documents differ depending on the educational institution you are studying in Japan, so please consult with the educational institution you plan to enroll in.
Procedure for applying for issuance of "Certificate of Eligibility"
About the forms of technical intern training No. 1 and technical intern training No. 2 Technical intern training visas are divided into technical intern training No. 1 and technical intern training No. 2.
1. 1. Technical intern training No. 1
Those who carry out activities to acquire skills, etc. and receive a certain amount of training. The maximum period of stay is one year.
2. Technical intern training No. 2
For those who have completed the activities of Technical Intern Training No. 1, after passing a test such as a skill test, activities to acquire more practical skills, etc. are carried out. The maximum period of stay is 2 years.
In this way, you will first acquire the skills in Technical Intern Training No. 1 for a maximum of one year, and then after passing the exam, you will acquire more practical skills in Technical Intern Training No. 2 for two years.
Occupations that can be transferred to Technical Intern Training No. 2
Only the occupations stipulated by law (68 occupations 126 work) can be transferred from technical intern training No. 1 to technical intern training No. 2.
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Non-face-to-face document application is possible
Due to the effects of the new coronavirus infection, even those who are working from home or refraining from going out can consult at home if they have a smartphone, computer, or internet environment. If you wish, please apply from the inquiry form. you can apply through phone too.

Inquiries by phone
Reception hours Weekdays 9: 00-18: 00 Regular holidays Saturdays (2nd and 4th), Sundays and public holidays

Inquiries from the Web